Presenting: Stuffed Chicken

Welcome back fellow mid week mealers! This week these guys put together a delightful dinner, the main course being a deboned and stuffed capon chicken stuffed with a spicy, and a sweet rice stuffing. These guy’s haven’t done anything quite like this, so we used this youtube video to help get a visual idea of how to go about the process. Now, the important things to keep in mind are to keep your knife as close to the bone as possible, the leg bone is partially left in, the wing is also left on the bird, and the tenders from the breast are sliced off and put in the areas where there is less meat to create a consistent layer of meat for the finished dish.


Spicy stuffing:

  •  1 cups wild rice
  • 1.5 cups white rice (basmati)
  • 10 challots (diced)
  • 6 cloves garlic-chopped
  • fresh rosemary-chopped
  • Dried cranberries
  • Balsamic Vinegar
  • paprika
  • red pepper flake
  • Salt+ Pepper to taste
  • Twine

Here’s what to do:

Cook both of your rices and then mix together in a bowl. Sautee your shallots and garlic together, add in your red pepper flakes and paprika( lots of both to make it nice and spicy). Once your shallots are golden toss them with your rice along with your rosemary, balsamic vinegar, and dried cranberries. Season to your liking. 

Take your stuffing and pack that lucky bird with as much of it as you can. As you can tell from the video they used a needle to tie up the bird.  These Guys used twine to keep everything together. Start by tying the legs together- keeping string on both sides to wind it around the bird. I tied a knot at each interval to keep everything nice and tight.

Put the bird in a roasting pan and cook covered at 375 degrees F for one and a half hours and check- your bird should be at 160 degrees when it is ready. Make sure to baste your bird often; we used our chicken stock.


~These Guys

MidWeek Meal: Road Show

Been a while, but This Guy is here again.

And yes you head it correctly, These Guys took the MidWeek Meal show on the road!

Hat tip to S. Katz for letting us borrow her kitchen, supplying us and helping out!

Thanks to everyone who came an enjoyed the feast!

Here is a quick meal that was fast, easy and delicious!

  • Spaghetti and Meatballs
  • Homemade Saaauuwwwccceee
  • Salad with Home Dressing
  • Challah Garlic Bread

Over the next couple days we will be putting out the recipes and the above food items will turn into links!

These Guys also want to spread the gospel of great-kosher cooking to the Metro-Boston area. So if you would like These Guys to cook for you…


Email us at!


This Guy