Scotch Egg

Have you ever heard of a scotch egg? Probably not, and if you’re guessing that it’s from Scotland you would also be wrong. Scotch egg is an English dish that I had the fortune of coming across – a hardboiled egg wrapped in meat, breaded, then fried. And now have the fortune of sharing with you!

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How to Cook Like These Guys:

  • Start by boiling up some eggs
  • While your eggs are cooking you can season the ground beef– we used Cajun seasoning, garlic powder, and Italian seasoning
  • Once eggs are cooked peel them.
  • Take some ground beef (about 65 grams but you can eyeball it too) and place it between two pieces of plastic wrap.
  • Flatten the ground beef into an even thin layer. Peel the top piece of plastic wrap of and place the egg into the meat and wrap the meat around the egg completely and tighten the plastic around the egg and place into the fridge (you want the meat to keep the from of the egg)
  • Remove the egg from the fridge, flour, egg,  and bread.
  • Fry on all sides (or just deep fry)


Serve and enjoy!

That Guy